Advice and support
Tony Diaram, Project Manager at Academy Transformation Trust, shares how specialist contract management training has helped deliver significant savings across his trust. Academy Transformation Trust is a not-for-profit charitable trust of 22 schools across central England, including primary, secondary, special, …
In our latest blog post, Charlotte Dowd, Policy advisor and sector engagement lead, introduces us to DfE Connect. What is DfE Connect?DfE Connect is a free service from the Department for Education designed to make life easier for school business …
Hannah Mears is a Commercial Lead for Get help buying for schools, the DfE’s free supported buying service for schools and trusts. In this blog post, Hannah updates on the latest advice around the Procurement Act 2023, and how schools can get ready for the new regulations that come in February 2025.
In this blog post, Amanda Quinn, Education Procurement Category Manager at YPO, highlights new, simpler recycling regulations coming into force in 2025 and the action that schools and trusts will need to take to be compliant.
Julie Noble is health, safety, and fire resilience technician for the risk protection arrangement (RPA), the DfE’s alternative to commercial insurance. In this blog post, Julie talks about how schools' kitchen and laundry risk assessments and equipment checks are essential tools for keeping everyone safe.
Will Bourke from the Teaching Vacancy Service explains in this blog about the improvements made to the service, which means schools and trust can now list all of their vacancies, including school business professional roles, for free.
Kevin Draisey, Head of Procurement Operations for Get help buying for schools, updates on the new Transforming Public Procurement (TPP) e-learning now available for procurement practitioners in schools and multi-academy trusts.
Find out why the Get help buying for schools service wants to work with schools and trusts to ensure they are getting not just value for money, but wider social value from their procurements, and why schools shouldn’t be afraid to ask suppliers what additional value they can bring to the table.
All school leaders, trustees, headteachers and governors are responsibility for making sure measures are in place that will help reduce the risk of a cybercrime.
In the latest Buying for Schools blog post, network Chair Frances Rowland explains how the ABLE network supports school business professionals, and why you should consider joining a network if you’re not a member already.