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Advice and support

New Transforming Public Procurement (TPP) e-learning for procurement practitioners in schools and multi-academy trusts

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Image showing text which reads 'Procurement Act 2023' and underneath this 'e-Learning modules now available'

Kevin Draisey, Head of Procurement Operations for Get help buying for schools, updates on the new Transforming Public Procurement (TPP) e-learning now available for procurement practitioners in schools and multi-academy trusts.

What is social value and how can schools and trusts benefit from it?

Stacey Speakman wearing an orange top, smiling at the camera

Find out why the Get help buying for schools service wants to work with schools and trusts to ensure they are getting not just value for money, but wider social value from their procurements, and why schools shouldn’t be afraid to ask suppliers what additional value they can bring to the table.

How joining a school business professional network could help you with buying for your school

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A headshot of Frances Rowland, Chair of the ABLE Network, with a quote alongside which reads: "Your fellow SBPs can understand the ups and downs of the job in a way that other colleagues in your school cannot". The ABLE logo is situated underneath the quote.

In the latest Buying for Schools blog post, network Chair Frances Rowland explains how the ABLE network supports school business professionals, and why you should consider joining a network if you’re not a member already.

Transforming Public Procurement (TPP) - how procurement will change for some schools and trusts

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School children sat on floor of a hall in class/assembly with teacher at the front. Text reading 'Transforming public procurement (TPP)' overlapping image

Kevin Draisey is Head of Procurement Operations for Get help buying for schools, the DfE’s free supported buying service for schools and trusts. In this blog post, Kevin explains what Transforming Public Procurement (TPP) means for people who buy for schools and trusts, and how they can get ready for the changes ahead.

Sustainable drainage systems for schools – environmentally friendly flood prevention

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Three school children sat in a living willow dome

Amy Greenough, DfE’s lead for the Schools Water Strategy, talks about the sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) projects her team has worked on in partnership with water companies and Lead Local Flood Authorities (LLFA), to reduce the surface water flood risk across the school estate.

Free funding available for National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) for teachers and school leaders

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Teacher talking to pupils in the classroom

Teachers are the foundation of the education system – there are no great schools without great teachers. Alistair Guest from the DfE’s NPQ Policy Unit talks to Dave Ellison-Lee, Director of Education at RISE multi-academy trust about his experience of the departments support for teachers and leaders to develop their expertise.