As Get help buying for schools celebrates its second birthday, Jane Davies, Head of Schools Commercial Operations at the Department for Education, reflects on what has been achieved so far, and the future aims of the service.
In the latest Buying for Schools blog post, network Chair Frances Rowland explains how the ABLE network supports school business professionals, and why you should consider joining a network if you’re not a member already.
In this blog post, Lindsey Roberts, Stakeholder and Engagement Coordinator from the School Resource Management (SRM) Team within DfE, explains the ways in which SRM can help support the training and development needs of School Business Professionals..
Amy Greenough, DfE’s lead for the Schools Water Strategy, talks about the sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) projects her team has worked on in partnership with water companies and Lead Local Flood Authorities (LLFA), to reduce the surface water flood risk across the school estate.
Paul McKeown works in the Department for Education’s Water Strategy Team. In this blog post, Paul shares some useful tips to help prepare your school for winter and reduce the risk of disruption that adverse weather conditions can bring.
Are you reviewing your school or trust's insurance arrangements this autumn? Louise Green works in the Department for Education's Schools Commercial Team. In this blog post, Louise talks about the benefits of the DfE’s Risk Protection Arrangement (RPA), an alternative to commercial insurance for state funded schools.
Lindsey Roberts, Engagement and Outreach Coordinator for the School Resource Management team, explains how the DfE's School Resource Management Adviser (SRMA) programme can support you with managing your school or academy trust’s finances or resources.
In this blog post, Jason Murgatroyd, Executive Head at Grangetown Primary School in Middlesbrough, shares his experience of using Get help buying for schools to buy catering and cleaning, and how it could help you with your buying too.
Kirsty Bridgland, Commercial Manager at KCS Procurement Services, discusses the options available to schools or trusts looking for a sustainable alternative when sourcing IT hardware.
Teachers are the foundation of the education system – there are no great schools without great teachers. Alistair Guest from the DfE’s NPQ Policy Unit talks to Dave Ellison-Lee, Director of Education at RISE multi-academy trust about his experience of the departments support for teachers and leaders to develop their expertise.