Amy Greenough, DfE’s lead for the Schools Water Strategy, talks about the sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) projects her team has worked on in partnership with water companies and Lead Local Flood Authorities (LLFA), to reduce the surface water flood risk across the school estate.
Paul McKeown works in the Department for Education’s Water Strategy Team. In this blog post, Paul shares some useful tips to help prepare your school for winter and reduce the risk of disruption that adverse weather conditions can bring.
Kirsty Bridgland, Commercial Manager at KCS Procurement Services, discusses the options available to schools or trusts looking for a sustainable alternative when sourcing IT hardware.
Ross Buthee, Commercial Lead at Crown Commercial Service, blogs about the Print marketplace framework, an online purchasing portal which puts the power of making more sustainable choices in the hands of schools and trusts.
Laura Walton is the Water Efficiency and Education & Awareness Lead for DfE’s Schools Water Strategy. In this blog, Laura introduces the strategy and gives some tips on how you can increase your water efficiency to help reduce your bills.
Arati Patel-Mistry, Stakeholder and Engagement Manager in the Schools Commercial Team, talks about what schools can look forward to at the upcoming Schools Sustainability Day.